Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beach House

Beach House's 'Devotion' was an album in 2008 that I LOVED but hesitated to show people, because it seemed to be so largely reliant on the darker side of life. BUTCHAKNOWWHAT?! That was before I had a blog! This husband and wife duo makes bummer music of the highest order, with delicate guitar and vocal melodies over simplistic but perfectly atmospheric organ and keyboard. For music aficionados I'd say it sounds like the funeral marches that are the last two songs on Joy Division's 'Closer.' These songs are lush and calming and are exactly what you need if you're feeling a bit detached.

This is music for rainy days and sunday mornings. Do me a favor. Go to a party. Drink a ton. Make a fool of yourself. Then play these songs on the way home the morning after.

MP3: Beach House- Gila (Right Click To Save)

MP3- Beach House- Heart Of Chambers (Right Click To Save)

MP3: Beach House- Master Of None (Right Click To Save)

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